Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hello August

Next week Luis will be back at school preparing for the upcoming school year. One of the classes he will teach this semester is Pre-Calculus. I know he will do fine, but me, forget it. I nearly failed Calculus I in college. I knew if I need help with math, I can rely on him. And other thing next week, Benjamin will start daycare on Monday. It will be bittersweet but at the same time we think it will be good for Ben to interact with other kids especially in a licensed daycare setting. Originally, we thought of having my mom to continue to watch him, but we know she really needs to find a job very soon. And yet other thing, Luis starts online class on Monday as part of fulfilling teacher certification requirements. I have skimmed through his textbook, "Educational Psychology," it seems interesting.

I am somewhat sad that the summer is soon over because it gave me an impression that it is okay to be "lazy." Not that LAZY, but more laid back and mellow. However, at the same time, I absolutely can't wait to have cooler weather. The summer heat has been absolutely suffocating. The minute I step out of the door every morning, the humidity feels like I am sticking my head in the oven. I welcome every opportunity to dive into the swimming pool, and thank goodness Benjamin loves going to the pool. That's my boy :-)

Finally, I wanted to say happy anniversary to Luis and his family because on this day today, they moved to South Florida from Puerto Rico 26 years ago. My sister in law Nino wrote a brief post about this over on her blog.

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